Friday, February 8, 2013

Thank You Notes

I have been doing a lot of in-school enrichment this past semester.  A lot meaning each week I am facilitating bullying lessons to 760 youth!  The lesson from this week was about manners and the importance of Thank You notes.  It’s a great lesson and I am so glad to introduce children to them.  Each week the lesson has a different “Power Phrase” and this lessons phrase: “Good Manners are the perfect way to show respect every day!" Just check our this awesome thank you note I received.


  1. Yay for bullying programs using Take A Stand! You Go Girl!!!

  2. I love thank you notes, and try to send them often. I also sent Valentine notes to some of my girlfriends this year.

  3. Thank you Cheryl! I am glad it has been such a big hit!

  4. You are a doll! I sent Valentine's Day Cards to my best friends as well!
